Ending Human Trafficking

Anti Human Trafficking1


Daughters of the Heart of Mary are sensitive to the needs of our global society. Sexual exploitation and forced labor are forms of modern slavery, crimes against the basic dignity and rights of the human person. We stand in opposition to the atrocity of human trafficking. We stand in solidarity with those who are enslaved and exploited, the Church, religious congregations, civic organizations, government agencies and businesses, as together we seek ways to end this crime against humanity.

Pray for an End to Modern Slavery
Pope Francis is greatly invested in the movement to end modern day slavery. The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Travelers, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and the International Union of Superiors General have designated February 8th, the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, as the annual International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.

Josephine Bakhita 2Prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita
Loving God, rewarder of the humble, you blessed St. Josephine Bakhita with charity and patience. May her prayers help us, and her example inspire us to carry our cross and to love you always. Pour upon us the spirit of wisdom and love with which you filled St. Josephine Bakhita. (Insert prayer intention for the victims of human trafficking.) By serving you as she did, may we please you by our faith and our actions. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.



An Excerpt from The Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences' Booklet Entitled, "Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery, Destitute Peoples and the Message of Jesus Christ", November, 2013 (PDF)


Our Mission

The Society accommodates the continuation of religious life under all circumstances and in each milieu where a Daughter of the Heart of Mary is sent on mission. Wherever we may be, and in all circumstances, we are called to witness to the Risen Christ and to the liberating power of his Gospel.

Our Vision

The Daughters of the Heart of Mary are twenty-first century ecclesial women of many nations and cultures alive with the gifts of the Spirit. Following the example of the original Christian communities, our spirituality is rooted in Sacred Scripture and is exemplified in lives and ministries strengthened by communal prayer and spiritual sharing...READ MORE

Our Logo

DHM Logo in English no background

A stylised cross, two hearts, a flame and, above the crossbar, our name.

Simple, yet.... let's try to read it from the heart, as if we were reading poetry, because art is always poetry...READ MORE