Caring for Our Common Home

Environment 1


“In an attitude of contemplation and gratitude, they recognize Creation as a gift from God. Faced with its global deterioration, the Daughter of the Heart of Mary is called to live an ecological conversion to safeguard it and not transform it into an object of consumption and domination. In solidarity with present and future generations, each one, according to her possibilities, will contribute to promoting environmental justice and taking care of the Earth, Our Common Home.” – DHM Constitutions


Environment 2Daughters of the Heart of Mary are conscious of the impact we have on God’s creations, including water, air, land, and every living being. We are called to be mindful of the footprints we leave on Mother Earth, and aware that we must be good stewards of the natural gifts God has given us.


Rosary for the Anniversary of Laudato Si’ and the Feast of Mary Help of Christians (PDF)


Words from Pope Francis
He reminds us of the words of St. Francis of Assisi in his encyclical letter Laudato Si, “…our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us.” September 1st has been designated as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation by Pope Francis. “The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvelous works that He has entrusted to our care, invoking his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live.” READ MORE

Resource Links


Our Mission

The Society accommodates the continuation of religious life under all circumstances and in each milieu where a Daughter of the Heart of Mary is sent on mission. Wherever we may be, and in all circumstances, we are called to witness to the Risen Christ and to the liberating power of his Gospel.

Our Vision

The Daughters of the Heart of Mary are twenty-first century ecclesial women of many nations and cultures alive with the gifts of the Spirit. Following the example of the original Christian communities, our spirituality is rooted in Sacred Scripture and is exemplified in lives and ministries strengthened by communal prayer and spiritual sharing...READ MORE

Our Logo

DHM Logo in English no background

A stylised cross, two hearts, a flame and, above the crossbar, our name.

Simple, yet.... let's try to read it from the heart, as if we were reading poetry, because art is always poetry...READ MORE