Marie Adélaïde de Cicé, DHM

Marie Adélaïde de Cicé was born in Rennes on November 5, 1749, into a large aristocratic family, the Champion de Cicé. The Chateau de Cicé was in the parish of Bruz on the banks of the Vilaine. Marie Adélaïde was baptized in the Church of St. Aubin on the day she was born. Sadly, her father died the following year.

Marie AShe was influenced at an incredibly young age by her mother's devout Christian life, and as a result, the young Marie Adélaïde developed a zeal for serving the poor, and a desire to enter religious life. She had a special concern for the children begging on behalf of their families to whom she generously distributed alms, including articles of clothing to keep them warm. Marie Adélaïde kept this desire to help the desolate throughout her life. In August 1776, she wrote: "I have taken the decision to restrict all unnecessary costs and limit myself in this to what is really necessary in my position. I will look on my possessions like they belong to the poor much more than to me.”

In August 1787, she first met Fr. de Clorivière and shared with him her project of religious life. Her aspiration was for a community of women religious dedicated wholly to God and serving the poor and marginalized. It would be a new form of religious life, lived in the midst of the world, quietly and unnoticed, without habit or cloister, taking as the model the first Christian communities, a different environment imbued with the gospel. Fr. de Clorivière with his sudden inspiration, also arrived at a conception of religious life within the midst of the world.

This holy woman was also swept up in the religious persecution that was a by-product of the fervor of the French revolution. She spent time in prison ministering to and uplifting the other female prisoners – regardless of their charges.

Like Fr. de Clorivière, Marie Adélaïde left this mortal world and went to meet her Lord sitting before the Blessed Sacrament, on the morning of April 26, 1818.

Our Mission

The Society accommodates the continuation of religious life under all circumstances and in each milieu where a Daughter of the Heart of Mary is sent on mission. Wherever we may be, and in all circumstances, we are called to witness to the Risen Christ and to the liberating power of his Gospel.

Our Vision

The Daughters of the Heart of Mary are twenty-first century ecclesial women of many nations and cultures alive with the gifts of the Spirit. Following the example of the original Christian communities, our spirituality is rooted in Sacred Scripture and is exemplified in lives and ministries strengthened by communal prayer and spiritual sharing...READ MORE

Our Logo

DHM Logo in English no background

A stylised cross, two hearts, a flame and, above the crossbar, our name.

Simple, yet.... let's try to read it from the heart, as if we were reading poetry, because art is always poetry...READ MORE