Daughters of the Heart of Mary Worldwide

DHM LEADERSHIPLeft to right: Joyce Joseph (India), Marie Dolores Gonzales Robles (Spain), Martine
Mary (General Superior, France), Brigitte Razanamalala (Madagascar), Hilaria Vazquez Veyna (Mexico)


Daughters of the Heart of Mary are located in 30 countries on 5 continents


Websites of the provinces and regions:

Province of West Africa

Province of Germany

Province of Equatorial America

Province of Latin America South

Province of England-Ireland

Province of Belgium

Province of Brazil

Province of Canada

Province of Spain

Province of United States

Province of France-Switzerland

Province of India South

Province of India North

Province of Italy

Province of Madagascar

Province of Mexico-Guatemala

Province of Portugal 

Province of Southeast Asia


In Memory of Dr. Ruth Pfau, DHM

Our Mission

The Society accommodates the continuation of religious life under all circumstances and in each milieu where a Daughter of the Heart of Mary is sent on mission. Wherever we may be, and in all circumstances, we are called to witness to the Risen Christ and to the liberating power of his Gospel.

Our Vision

The Daughters of the Heart of Mary are twenty-first century ecclesial women of many nations and cultures alive with the gifts of the Spirit. Following the example of the original Christian communities, our spirituality is rooted in Sacred Scripture and is exemplified in lives and ministries strengthened by communal prayer and spiritual sharing...READ MORE

Our Logo

DHM Logo in English no background

A stylised cross, two hearts, a flame and, above the crossbar, our name.

Simple, yet.... let's try to read it from the heart, as if we were reading poetry, because art is always poetry...READ MORE